Food and beverage cartons are recyclable, and they contain some of the highest quality fiber available. Cartons are recycled and turned into new products via several end markets in North America, as well as abroad.
Communities across the U.S. have added cartons to their local programs, and Carton Council can help your program make carton recycling successful:
More than 78.7 million U.S. households can recycle cartons through 13,800 local curbside and drop-off programs, and more recycling programs are always adding cartons.
If your recycling program already accepts cartons, we have materials to help promote food and beverage carton recycling to your residents.
If food and beverage cartons are not yet accepted in your recycling program, the Carton Council can help you get started on diverting them from your waste stream.
Learn how other communities have benefited from adding carton recycling:
Like other materials, food and beverage cartons are sorted and baled at materials recovery facilities (MRFs) and then shipped to recyclers. The Carton Council has grants available to help MRFs determine the best way to add cartons.
When recycled, cartons are used to make new paper products or building materials via end markets in North America and overseas.
At a paper mill, a hydrapulper separates the fiber from cartons’ layers so they can go on to make new paper products such as paper towels, toilet paper, tissues and paper for writing, printing and even books.
At a building materials manufacturing facility, cartons are shredded and heat pressed into sustainable building materials, such as roofing and wall board.
Learn More about MRFsLooking to establish a carton recycling program? Here’s how you can get started: